June 15, 2014

The Chronicles of a Forthcoming Revelation

Hello there everyone. Why yes, it is I, writing to you all again my dear friends, comrades and colleagues. 

Unfortunately, I must first start off this much over-due post of mine with an apology for my long absence, about a year’s worth to be exact. While I would love nothing more than to blame it entirely on writer’s block or lack of inspiration, although parts of it, I must admit my faults and take responsibility in allowing myself to lose my sense of passion of what I was striving for since the beginnings of the intentions in starting my own blog eons ago. Somewhere along the way, I guess I started to chase after perfection without knowing it. I began over-analyzing every idea or topic I wanted to write about, right down to the smallest, and quite rather frankly, unnecessary of details. I had comprised several, if not many, pages of rough drafts and thoughts, yet never to actually finish them or finally put them up on a new post, because they were, in my eyes and mind, not “perfect” enough or as good as I felt like they should or were suppose to be in comparison with everything else that’s already written or has been seen by the rest of the world. Meanwhile, dear Father Time ticked on, with weeks, which turned into months, passed me by. 

Upon my realization of this, I knowingly took a sort of hiatus in hopes to re-discover my true inspirations and passions, re-defining the paths I would take in my future writings and all share with you and hopefully, the rest of the world, soon again one day. Thus, my beginnings of taking a journey to self-discovery, or “soul searching” as one might call it, were launched forth.  

According to the Merriam-Webster online dictionary, the term self-discovery is defined as the “act or process of gaining knowledge or understanding of your abilities, character, and feelings.” (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/self-discovery) In other words, basically one’s efforts and actions into achieving self-knowledge.

Now, the journey to “finding oneself” can consist of many different things or be done in many different ways, all done so in an attempt by a person to figure out how they personally feel about their priorities in life or determine spiritual issues, all done so without following the opinions of others such as family, friends or other pressures from peers. For some, it could literally mean traveling the world or taking some sort of a pilgrimage. For others, it may mean doing a series of events or completing a sequence of goals in order to achieve their own state of enlightenment. In that sense, taking a step back from life and looking at the overall, bigger picture one’s trying to create for themselves and for others. In a way, getting back to the basics, allowing one’s self to figure out what really matters to them and what’s really important at the end of each day, and in addition, to life as a whole.  

With all that being said, while in the midst of what one might call having just an early mid-life crisis, now also known as a quarterly-life crisis that many twenty-somethings are experiencing in this day in age, I finally decided for myself, and for my emotional and mental well-being, that I too should, and would embark on my own journey to self-discovery, in the hopes that I will find the answers I’ve so long been searching for and understand the things I’ve so long been desiring to know, and with the intentions of only bettering myself for me, as wells as for others and the world alike. 

Thus, as I write to you my dear readers and to the rest of the world, I’m inviting all of you to join me and follow along as I begin this journey of mine in doing some serious soul-searching and for what will hopefully, lead up to my own self-discovery and sense of enlightenment. 

Now, in having already begun the preparations for this journey of mine, I compiled some lists of things I feel that I should, and must accomplish in order to finally have the self-realization that I so desperately want and need. These include me taking each week to focus on one area in people or things that I need to let go of or move on from permanently in life, continuing then with people and things I am grateful for or greatly appreciate to have in my life. All done so in the attempt that hopefully, I shall learn to better let go of the past and things I can’t control and that I will teach myself to stop worrying about the future so darn much, being more mindful, and living in the now and present moment of my life. While writing to all of you each week, I’ll give some insight on the process for what particularly I’m trying to work on and furthermore, touching base on my progress in what I think of feel I’ve accomplish emotionally, mentally and spiritually. I shall do my best to include all that I can, but please know and understand, that some things are meant to be personal and remain that way.

Well, for now dear people, time to let the journey and adventure into the unknown begin! Until next time, take care and send me your thoughts and views on all of this and comment below. I’ll write back soon!   

In the Flame,
Yours Truly

P.S. Here’s a little inspiration for everyone and behind this post: 

“Provehito in Altum” (Launch Forth into the Deep) - 30 Seconds to Mars