April 7, 2015

Somewhere, Around Midnight

I have no idea where or how to begin writing or telling this. It all began quite innocently enough, unplanned and unexpected. I presume that's just life though. Nevertheless, here I am: clouded thoughts, clouded brain, all to which has been lost somewhere inside this foggy haze that are now my memories, taking with it any inspiration and all passion I once ever had for writing.

Instead, now, many nights I go without sleeping, but rather spend the darker hours laying awake as my mind races with constant thoughts of worry and the sense of an ever impending doom soon to release its wrath upon me. Yet, then, many days are wasted away into deep slumber of 12 or more hours, as my mind wanders off into other worlds where memories replay like old movies and ghosts of past people I once loved and so dearly cherished in my life, flash by before my eyes like sparks of hope, as if they were like shooting stars or the Aurora lights themselves.

My life, so it seems, has no meaning or purpose. No goals do I aim for anymore as my days pass by, in and out of consciousness, no longer with the rest of the world.